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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Albert Gorton Greene 1802-1868 John Bartlett

    Old Grimes is dead, that good old man
  We never shall see more;
He used to wear a long black coat
  All buttoned down before. 1
          Old Grimes.
    Fill every beaker up, my men, pour forth the cheering wine:
There’s life and strength in every drop,—thanksgiving to the vine!
          The Baron’s last Banquet.
Note 1.
John Lee is dead, that good old man,—
  We ne’er shall see him more;
He used to wear an old drab coat
  All buttoned down before.
To the memory of John Lee, who died May 21, 1823.
An Inscription in Matherne Churchyard.

  Old Abram Brown is dead and gone,—
    You’ll never see him more;
  He used to wear a long brown coat
    That buttoned down before.
Halliwell: Nursery Rhymes of England, p. 60. [back]