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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 121 John Bartlett

Free as air, love, 333.
as nature first made man, 275.
battle for the, 562.
both open and both, 102.
but sorrow’s purse is, 763.
from fear that reigns, 642.
from hope and fear set, 805.
from scars, arms unstained and, 725.
great glorious and, 522.
hath made our nation, 689.
land of the, 516, 517.
let love be, 680.
let us die to make men, 748.
love is for the best, 680.
nature’s grace, 357.
no one can be, till all are free, 773.
slaves of centuries are, 771.
soil free men free speech, 1048.
spirit of mankind, 572.
struggling to be, 139.
to fall, though, 230.
to think or act, 797.
trade is not a principle, 624.
trade the greatest blessing, 600.
truth shall make you, 1035.
we must be, or die, 472.
where love, at rest and, 718.
who would be, must strike, 541.
whom the truth makes, 421.
will fixed fate, 228.
will, hostile empires Necessity and, 583.
will is, strong is the soul, 754.
Freedom, bastard, 518.
bounds of, wider yet, 665.
costly sacrifice on altar of, 660.
crowned, saw treason crushed, 788.
fail, what avail if, 617.
fetter the step of, 611.
fight for, 996.
from her mountain height, 573.
has a thousand charms, 414.
idea of, 694.
in my love, if I have, 260.
in that, bold, 487.
is its child, 460.
leaning on her spear, 690.
new birth of, 661.
of religion of the press, 435.
only deals the blow, for, 459.
or leave to die, 756.
ring from mountain-side, let, 654.
shall awhile repair, 390.
shrieked as Kosciusko fell, 513.
so long as faith reigns with, 797.
their battle-cry, 756.
to the free, 661.
to the slave, 661.
to waste the gifts of, 798.
to worship God, 570.
where wealth and, reign, 394.
whose service is perfect, 1043.
yet thy banner torn, 546.
Freedom’s banner, streaming, 574.
battle once begun, 548.
cause, fought and bled in, 465.
hallowed shade, 459.
holy flame, 382.
Freedom’s shield, each heart is, 863.
soil beneath our feet, 574.
Freehold, all-enclosing, 768.
Free-livers on a small scale, 536.
Freely, as when they discuss it, 603.
Freeman whom the truth makes free, 421.
with unpurchased hand, 689.
without education, 687.
Freemen, corrupted, 387.
red with the blood of, 748.
we will die, 436.
who rules o’er, 375.
Freeman’s will, executes a, 538.
Freeze thy young blood, 131.
Freighted with sighs, chartered by sorrow and, 623.
French have empire of the land, 580.
or Turk or Proosian, 800.
wiser than they seem, 166.
Frenche of Paris was to hire unknowe, 1.
she spake ful fayre, 1.
Frenchman I praise the, 358.
must be always talking, a, 374.
only one more, 1001.
the brilliant, 414.
Frenchmen, three, on one pair of English legs, 91.
Frenchman’s darling, 421.
Frenzy, poet’s eye in a fine, 59.
Frenzy’s fevered blood, 492.
Fresh and full of faith, he was, 628.
as a bridegroom, 83.
from the hyaline streams, 636.
gales and gentle airs, 238.
roses dewy as morning, 751.
woods and pastures new, 248.
Fresher I ween, like the rose is but, 586.
Freshly ran he on, 276.
Freshness fills the air, a dewy, 507.
of its youth, learning in the, 881.
Fret a passage, 221.
dying we live, living we, 713.
moths that a garment, 844.
thy soul with crosses, 30.
Frets his hour upon the stage, 125.
that, above our peaceful, 578.
Fretful outlook on the world, 997.
porpentine, 131.
stir unprofitable, 467.
Fretted the pygmy body, 267.
vault the long-drawn aisle, 384.
with golden fire, 134.
Fretting of our care, on the foolish, 764.
Friars and eremites, 231.
hooded clouds like, 639.
Frie in his own grese. 3.
Friend, a better, than old dog Tray, 764.
a great field-marshal my, 727.
after friend departs, 496.
and brother, 771.
as you choose a, 278.
barren metal of his, 61.
better one, of great value, 944.
countenance of his, 1021.