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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 138 John Bartlett

Gratitude of place-expectants, 304.
still small voice of, 383.
Gratulation, gave sign of, 238.
Gratulations flow in streams, 285.
Grave, a little little, 82.
an obscure, 82.
and reverend signiors, 149.
aspect he rose, with, 227.
between the cradle and the, 358.
botanize upon his mother’s, 471.
but she is in her, 469.
come to thy, in a full age, 1008.
dark and silent, 26.
dread thing, 354.
Druid lies in yonder, 390.
Duncan is in his, 121.
earliest at his, 864.
ethereal eyes, 855.
feet clear of the, 614.
forget thee, could not the, 547.
funeral marches to the, 638.
ghost come from the, 132.
he bade them lie in the, 314.
honoured in his, 658.
hungry as the, 356.
ignoring sleep with thee in the, 87.
in a common, 430.
in the cold, 591.
is all beauty, 841.
is not its goal, 638.
jealousy is cruel as the, 1024.
kingdom for a little, 82.
lead these graces to the, 74.
low laid in my, 78.
Lucy is in her, 469.
mattock and the, 308.
measure of an unmade, 108.
night of the, 428.
on my, as now my bed, 218.
one foot in the, 198.
or mellow, humours whether, 300.
our cradle stands in the, 182.
paths of glory lead to the, 384.
perhaps the early, 558.
pompous in the, 219.
rest in the, 561.
rush to glory or the, 515.
secret as the, 978.
senators, most, 151.
sit like flowers upon thy, 762.
steps of glory to the, 552.
strewed thy, 144.
study, law’s, 24.
sun shine sweetly on my, 428.
there lies a lonely, 726.
this earth, this, 26.
thou art gone to the, 535.
thy humble, adorned, 335.
to gay lively to severe, 320.
to light from, pleasant to severe, 273, 985.
unknelled without a, 547.
untimely, 200, 1043.
where is thy victory, 335, 1038.
where Laura lay, 26.
with sorrow to the, 1005.
Graves are pilgrim shrines, 562.
are severed far and wide, their, 570.
Graves, dishonourable, 110.
emblems of untimely, 420.
let’s talk of, 81.
of memory, 497.
of your sires, green, 561.
snowing on our, 823.
stood tenantless, 126.
Grave-digger or hangman, 612.
Gravel gold, streams their, 257.
Gravely got down from his perch, 723.
Gravitation, the Golden Rule works like, 826.
Gravity, humour the test of, 581.
out of his bed at midnight, 59.
smile is sweetened by his, 729.
to play at cherry-pit, 76.
Gray despair, winter’s 829.
hair, wisdom is the, 1028.
hairs with sorrow, 1005.
it is gone and all is, 545.
Marathon, age spares, 541.
mare the better horse, 17.
red spirits and, 173.
silence, the gray waves, 837.
the moss grew, 779.
things golden seem, 815.
thy veiling shadows, thy garments, 764.
to pearl, 855.
under the willow the, 766.
unmeasured height, 790.
wastes of the sea, 837.
Gray-hooded even, 243.
Grazed the common of literature, 276.
Grazes confines of space, whose circle, 756.
Grease, frieth in her own, 16.
Greasy aprons, slaves with, 159.
citizens, you fat and, 67.
Great Admiral sailed the, 748.
and sane and simple race, O, 680.
and small, all the peoples, 682.
and small forgets herself, 685.
and wise decay, 810.
as a king, 436.
as the world, his heart was, 621.
beautifier, rank is a, 630.
between the little and the, 424.
Cæsar fell, 114.
Cæsar grown so, 110.
cause, die in a, 555.
city that with greatest man, 742.
contest follows, 419.
Creator, voice of the, 716.
end of life not knowledge, 762.
engines move slowly, 170.
everything, been done by youth, 628.
failure in a, object, 577.
families of yesterday, 286.
far above the, 382.
field-marshal, there is a, 727.
First Cause, 334.
fleas have little fleas, 290.
for our belief, too, 717.
glorious and free, 522.
good and, 299.
gromboolian plain, over the, 703.
guns, blew, 436.