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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 244 John Bartlett

Opes the palace of eternity, 243.
Ophiuchus, huge, 229.
Opinion, error of, 434.
human to err in, 928.
inconsistencies of, 533.
my deliberate, 505.
no way approve his, 77.
of his own, still, 215.
of Pythagoras, 77.
of the law, with good, 440.
of the strongest, 983.
pay for his false, 215.
scope of my, 126.
was clearly of the, 767.
what thinkest thou of his, 77.
Opinions, all creeds and, 791.
and a will, men who possess, 730.
back with wager, 554.
force of, 961.
halt between two, 1007.
I have bought golden, 118.
maintain no ill, 398.
never two, alike, 963.
of mankind, 434.
stiff in, always in the wrong, 268.
Opponent, arguments to malign an, 626.
Opportunities, a woman with fair, 698.
lost never regained, 906.
Opportunity, dust of servile, 483.
observe the, 1029.
watch your, 944.
we often miss our, 995.
will prevail, 944.
Opposed, that the, may beware, 130.
Opposing end them, by, 135.
wrong, engaged in, 693.
Oppressed, while one man’s, 320.
with two weak evils, 69.
Oppression, rumour of, 418.
Oppressor’s wrong, 135.
Oppugnancy, in mere, 102.
Optics sharp it needs, 439.
turn their, in upon ’t, 214.
Oracle, I am Sir, 60.
of God, fast by the, 223.
pronounced wisest, 241.
Oracles are dumb, 251.
Oracular tongue, use of my, 440.
Oraculous, let him, thy fate display, 344.
Orange bright, like golden lamps, 262.
flower perfumes the bower, 494.
glows, where the gold, 989.
Orations, make no long, 432.
objections against, 924.
Orator, I am no, 114.
till the lion, charm us, 682.
Orators, loud-bawling, 921.
repair, the famous, 241.
very good, when they are out, 71.
Oratory, flowery, he despised, 304.
Orb, foolery does walk about this, 76.
in orb cycle and epicycle, 237.
monthly changes in her circled, 106.
of light, I gaze upon each, 597.
of one particular tear, 163.
of song, that mighty, 479.
Orb, there is not the smallest, 65.
this wretched, 775.
Orbaneja the painter, 974.
Orbed maiden with white fire, 565.
Orbit and sum of Shakespeare’s wit, 616.
of the restless soul, love the, 756.
Orcades, in Scotland at the, 318.
Orchard lawns, happy fair with, 681.
sleeping within my, 132.
Orchestral silences, grand, 659.
Ordained of God, 1036.
Ordains, heav’n a time, 252.
Order brought, large elements in, 677.
changeth, the old, 681.
decently and in, 1038.
embrace thy friends leave all in, 745.
gave each thing view, 98.
his mistress’, to perform, 331.
in variety we see, 333.
is heaven’s first law, 319.
nests ranged in 242.
of your going, stand not upon the, 122.
rain or shine, can not, 719.
reigns in Warsaw, 1001.
set thine house in, 1026.
this better in France, 379.
to haud the wretch in, 448.
Orders, Almighty’s, to perform, 299.
profane no divine, 398.
Ordered well, that all is, 715.
Ordinances, external, 369.
Ordinary men are fit for, 146.
men, reach of, 470.
Ordine retrogrado, 169.
Ore, new-spangled, 248.
Organ, an, breathes in every grove, 595.
most miraculous, 135.
of her life, every lovely, 53.
seated one day at the, 761.
silent, loudest chants, 615.
Organs dimensions senses, 63.
Organically incapable of a tune, 509.
Organized hypocrisy, 624.
Organ-pipe of frailty, 80.
Orgies of morality, sexless, 808.
Orient beams, spreads his, 233.
mould, shaft of, 570.
pearl, a double row, 871.
pearl, sowed the earth with, 234.
pearls at random strung, 437.
pearls, puddly thoughts to, 969.
Orient’s marvels here, to find the, 650.
Origin, every gift of noble, 474.
Original, a thought is often, 691.
and end, 367.
brightness, lost her, 225.
proclaim, their great, 300.
Originals, reading books in the, 620.
Shakespeare more original than his, 621.
Originality, solitude of his own, 865.
Originator and quoter, 621.
Orion, loose the bands of, 1010.
Orisons, nymph in thy, 136.
Ormus and of Ind, wealth of, 226.