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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 302 John Bartlett

Silence envious tongues, 100.
expressive, 357.
flashes of, 461.
float upon the wings of, 244.
foster-child of, 576.
gives consent, 401.
golden, bid our souls be still, 764.
gray, gray waves, 837.
hath more eloquence, well-timed, 696.
have trimmed in, 917.
hour friendliest to sleep and, 235.
implying sound, 710.
in love bewrays more woe, 25.
in the starry sky, 478.
is an answer to a wise man, 916.
is deep as eternity, 582.
is golden speech is silvern, 582.
is of eternity, 584.
is the best resolve, 981.
is the perfectest herald of joy, 51.
is the speech of love, 763.
let it be tenable in your, 129.
like a poultice comes, 688.
listening to silence, 594.
majestic, 535.
more musical than any song, 777.
never betrays you, 820.
never regretted, 900.
nothing lives ’twixt it and, 864.
of the upper shelf, 600.
or of sound, joy of, 865.
reign, when awful darkness and, 703.
shadowless like, listening, 594.
sorrow and, are strong, 643.
speaks for love, 793.
speech better than, 886.
sweeter is than speech, 765.
temple of, 602.
that dreadful bell, 152.
that is in the starry sky, 478.
that spoke, 339.
the cruelest lies are told in, 830.
the rest is, 146.
the splendor of, 837.
the wizard, 814.
then darkness again and a, 644.
there is a, 591.
thunders of white, 658.
voice dissolves the spell of its, 646.
was pleased, 233.
where hath been no sound, 591.
where no sound may be, 591.
wheresoe’er I go, 538.
ye wolves, 331.
Silences, grand orchestral, 659.
Silenced, you have not converted because you have, 812.
Silent above the flowers her children, 763.
acting, a, desperate part, 746.
all, and all damned, 468.
and safe, 820.
as the moon, 241.
cataracts, motionless torrents, 501.
dew, fall on me like a, 202.
earth, left, 790.
finger, point with, 504.
Silent finger points to heaven, 481.
flooding in the main, comes, 727.
grave, dark and, 26.
halls of death, 572.
land, into the, 991.
land, the, 777.
long to be patient and, 646.
manliness of grief, 398.
moon, immense and, 743.
note which Cupid strikes, 218.
organ loudest chants, 615.
part is best, of noble work, 746.
prayer, homes of, 674.
sea into that, 598.
sea of pines, 501.
season thro’, the, 611.
shore, landing on some, 295.
shore of memory, 481.
shore, that unknown and, 509.
stars go by, the, 791.
stream, across the, 837.
sun, give me the splendid, 743.
that you may hear, 113.
thought, sessions of sweet, 161.
thought, stores of, 466.
upon a peak in Darien, 576.
when occasion requires, 915.
when to be, 899.
Silently as a dream, 421.
steal away, 641.
wrapping all, light, 742.
Silenus, saying of, 922.
Silhouette sublime, a, 767.
Silk, rustling in unpaid-for, 159.
soft as, remains, 313.
Silks ye Lyons looms, weave no more, 748.
Silken primrose, soft, 251.
sad uncertain rustling, 656.
snare, 781.
tie, the silver link the, 488.
Siloa’s brook, 223.
Siloam’s shady rill, 535.
Silver and gold are not the only coin, 885.
bowers leave, 28.
cord be loosed, 1023.
fruit-tree tops, tips with, 106.
golden locks to, turned, 24.
just for a handful of, 707.
light on tower and tree, 861.
lining on the night, 243.
link the silken tie, 488.
mantle threw o’er the dark, 233.
pictures of, 1020.
sea, stone set in the, 81.
the oars were, 157.
waves chime ever peacefully, 700.
Silvered by time completely, 419.
his beard was sable, 129.
o’er with age, 348.
the walls of Cumnor Hall, 426.
tips, with, 106.
Silver-mantled plains, 695.
Silvern, speech is, 584.
Silver-sweet sound lovers’ tongues, 106.
Silver-white, hairs on his brows were, 623.