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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 304 John Bartlett

Singers, first of earthly, 771.
upon earth, God sent his, 647.
with vocal voices, 285.
Singeth a quiet tune, 499.
all night long, 127.
Singing as they shine, 300.
bird, my heart is like a, 777.
of anthems, 88.
of birds is come, time of, 1024.
of Mount Abora, 500.
robes, garland and, 253.
seamen, 854.
singers with vocal voices, 285.
Singist I am not a success, as a, 787.
Single blessedness, dies in, 57.
bound, heaven not reached at a, 730.
cell becomes a man, 774.
day, none truly write his, 685.
gentlemen, like two, 454.
hour of that Dundee, 474.
life, careless of the, 675.
men in barricks, 852.
talent well employed, 366.
word, ’t is a, 778.
Singularity, trick of, 76.
Sink a navy, a load that would, 99.
again into chaos, 685.
beneath the shock, 549.
let the world, 205.
or soar, alike unfit to, 554.
or swim live or die, 530.
Sinks or swims or wades, 230.
the day-star, so, 248.
Sinking, a kind of alacrity in, 46.
in thy last long sleep, 438.
Sinned against, more, 147.
all in Adam’s fall, 872.
Sinner it or saint it, 321.
of his memory, made such a, 42.
the hungry, 560.
too weak to be a, 109.
vilest, may return, 303.
when the, is dismayed, 578.
Sinners, if, entice thee, 1016.
miserable, 1042.
Sinning, more sinn’d against than, 147.
Sin-spotted soul, most heretofore, 757.
Sinuous shells of pearly hue, 511.
Sion hill delight thee more, 223.
Sipping only what is sweet, 617.
Sir critic good day, 723.
Oracle, I am, 60.
Sire of fame, toil is the, 885.
son degenerates from the, 337.
to son, bequeathed by, 548.
Sires, green graves of your, 561.
holy faith that warmed our, 689.
most disgrace their, 342.
sons of great, 342.
Siren, song of the, 38.
waits thee, the, 511.
Sirens sang, what song the, 219.
Sisera, stars fought against, 1006.
Sister, as a brother to his, 52.
of the spring, thine azure, 565.
shall be a ministering angel, 144.
spirit come away, 334.
when I was but your, 160.
Sister woman, still gentler, 448.
Sisters, all the, virtuous, 1044.
dear, men with, 594.
death and night, hands of the, 744.
six, 799.
three and such branches of learning, 62.
under their skins, 853.
wayward, depart in peace, 864.
weird, the, 123.
Sister’s, erring, shame, 548.
Sisyphus rolling his stone, 644.
Sit attentive to his own applause, 327.
beside my lonely fire, 777.
down now but the time will come, 624.
here we will, 65.
in my bones, 461.
in the clouds and mock us, 89.
like flowers upon thy grave, 762.
round it and pluck, the rest, 659.
still, their strength is to, 1026.
studious let me, 356.
thee down sorrow, 54.
upon the ground, let us, 82.
where I will, let me, 976.
Sits alone topmost in heaven, wisdom, 723.
in a foggy cloud, 123.
on his horseback, 78.
the wind in that corner, 51.
upon mine arm, 194.
Site, whole regions to change their, 212.
Sitting cheap as standing, 292.
in a pleasant shade, 175.
on the ground, 28.
on the stile, I’m, 637.
Situation, beautiful for, 1012.
Six and seven, at, 15.
hours in sleep, 24.
hundred pounds a year, 289.
Richmonds in the field, 98.
sisters, 799.
Six-cent fare, 796.
Sixpence all too dear, 152, 406.
I give thee, 464.
Size of dreaming, past the, 159.
of pots of ale, 210.
Skating over thin ice our safety, in, 621.
Skeleton clothed with life, 531.
Skie falth, have Larkes when, 11.
Skies, all who dwell below the, 302.
and seas around, now, 722.
as I came through, out of the, 759.
bird let loose in eastern, 523.
bright assemblies of the, 345.
child of the, 862.
cloudless climes and starry, 551.
commercing with the, 249.
common people of the, 174.
communion with the, 414.
double-darken gloomy, 739.
every place below the, 538.
feelings kindred with the, 607.
from lowly earth to vaulted, 730.
illumed the eastern, 694.
laughter shakes the, 337.