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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 310 John Bartlett

Society where none intrudes, 547.
wholesome for the character, 739.
Society’s chief joys, 415.
Sock, Jonson’s learned, 249.
Socket, burn to the, 479.
Socrates wisest of men, 241.
Sod and the dew, under the, 766.
as snow-flakes fall upon the, 538.
lying beneath the churchyard, 728.
Soda-water, sermons and, 557.
Sofa, wheel round the, 420.
Soft answer turneth away wrath, 1018.
as her clime, 554.
as silk remains, 313.
as young and gay as soft, 308.
bastard Latin, 554.
brown hair, 778.
eyes looked love, 542.
falls the dew, 766.
her voice was ever, 149.
impeachment, own the, 441.
is the music that would charm, 485.
is the strain when zephyr blows, 324.
moves the dipping oar, 862.
muse, nature’s, 89.
rain dropped, 792.
silken primrose, 251.
slow steps, come with thy, 764.
so hushed an air, so, 725.
so, the air, 790.
stillness and the night, 65.
sweet accent of an angel’s whisper, 814.
the music of those village bolls, 422.
the zephyr blows, 383.
touch of healing unaware, 764.
unfolding, and see, 587.
warm and, the day, 810.
were those lips that bled, 38.
Softening into shade, 357.
Softheartedness in times like these, 737.
Softly bodied forth, 546.
sweet in Lydian measures, 272.
Softness in the upper story, 737.
like the atmosphere of dreams, 653.
madrigals that whisper, 254.
she and sweet attractive grace, for, 232.
Soil and scath, cleanse me from, 821.
good to be born on, a, 741.
grows on mortal, 247.
in cycles past, in world’s, 788.
it flourisheth in every, 695.
nor yet within the common, 569.
thus leave thee native, 239.
to paint the laughing, 535.
where first they trod, 570.
Soils, rich, to be weeded, 168.
Soiled by any outward touch, 253.
with all ignoble use, 676.
world, incessantly wash this, 744.
Solace, whence comes, 815.
Solar system, hub of the, 692.
walk or milky way, 315.
Sold him a bargain, 55.
Solder of society, 354.
Soldier among sovereigns, 495.
Soldier, an elder not a better, 114.
and afeard, 124.
armed with resolution, 295.
be abroad, let the, 527.
blasphemy in the, 48.
bold, Ben Battle was a, 594.
first who was king a fortunate, 987.
flat blasphemy in the, 48.
full of strange oaths, 69.
I ask the brave, 520.
mourned her, slain, 427.
of the Legion lay dying, 653.
relish him more in the, 151.
successful, 494.
the sex is ever kind to a, 345.
thou more than, 518.
wake thy war-horse waits, 623.
would himself have been a, 83.
Soldiers bore dead bodies by, 83.
Ireland gives England, 772.
old, sweetheart are surest, 181.
sovereign among, 495.
substance of ten thousand, 97.
Soldier’s neck, driveth o’er a, 105.
pole is fallen, 159.
scholar’s eye, 136.
sepulchre, shall be a, 515.
virtue, ambition the, 158.
Sole almost my, rule of life, 583.
daughter of his voice, 239.
daughter of my house, 542.
delight, my solitary, 596.
judge of truth, 317.
mistake, nature’s, 802.
of her foot, no rest for the, 1004.
of his foot, 51, 173, 198.
sitting by the shores, 472.
Solemn black, suits of, 127.
creed, sapping, a 544.
fop, the, 415.
is joy, 841.
marches fill the nights, 748.
midnight, in the, 699.
pines, 784.
sanctimonious face, no, 595.
sneer, with, 544.
temples, 43.
way, in such a, 688.
Solid flesh would melt, too, 127.
happiness we prize, 362.
men of Boston, 432.
pudding against empty praise, 330.
Solitary as an oyster, secret and, 701.
in lonely places, crying, 837.
life of man is, 200.
monk who shook the world, 635.
my, sole delight, 596.
place, in many a, 468.
shriek, a, 557.
woes, rare are, 308.
Solitude, bird in the, 552.
he makes a, and calls it peace, 550.
how passing sweet is, 416.
I love tranquil, 567.
Islington will grow a, 261.
least alone in, 544.
midst of a vast, 601.
needful to the imagination, 739.