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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 331 John Bartlett

Sun in the firmament, knowledge is the, 530.
in the lap of Thetis, 213.
into the warm, 17, 971.
is a thief, 109.
Juliet is the, 105.
lands of, to lands of snows, 751.
let others hail the rising, 387.
little window where the, 592.
livery of the burnished, 62.
loss of the, 353.
love is nature’s second, 35.
low descending, 874.
magic potent over, 482.
more worshipped the rising, 912.
myself in Huncamunca’s eyes, 363.
nebulous star we call the, 672.
never assisted the, in rising, 722.
never sets in Spanish dominions, 495.
never sets on the empire of Charles V., 990.
no new thing under the, 1022.
no, no moon no morn, 595.
not polluted, 950.
of heaven shall shine, 101.
of righteousness, 1028.
of York, 95.
on the upland lawn, 386.
passes through dirty places, 169.
pay no worship to the garish, 107.
pleasant the, 233.
pleasant to behold the, 1023.
reflecting upon the mud, 169.
sets to rise again, my, 713.
setting, and music at the close, 81.
setting and rising, 933.
shall not smite thee by day, 1016.
shine sweetly on my grave, 428.
shines always there, and the, 638.
shines everywhere, the, 76.
shines, make hay when the, 10, 973.
shineth upon the dunghill, 169.
shut doors against a setting, 109.
snatches from the, 109.
spinsters and knitters in the, 75.
spots and clouds in the, 189.
steeped in the, 857.
sweetheart of the, 592.
tapers to the, 443.
that side the, is upon, 523.
the glory of the, 828.
the, is a-wait, 817.
the strong white, 844.
tinged by the rising, 578.
to me is dark, 241.
to spy my shadow in the, 96.
to-morrow’s, may never rise, 295.
true as the dial to the, 215, 306.
unpolluted, 169.
up rose Emilie and up rose the, 2.
upon an Easter-day, 256.
upon the upland lawn, 386.
walk about the orb like the, 76.
walks under the midday, 244.
warms in the, 316.
web that whitens in the, 526.
when the, in all its state, 758.
Sun which passeth through pollutions, 169.
will pierce the thickest cloud, 711.
with his planets in chime, 664.
with the setting, 225.
world without a, 513.
Suns bright, may scorch, 610.
earth could not bear two, 918.
light of setting, 467.
process of the, 669.
systemed, 816.
that gild the vernal morn, 424.
to light me rise, 316.
Sun’s bravado, the, 855.
last rays are fading, 869.
rim dips, the, 498.
Sunbeam in a winter’s day, 358.
soiled by outward touch, 253.
Sunbeams, motes that people the, 249.
out of cucumbers, 291.
through the fringes raining, 613.
Sunburnt mirth, song and, 575.
Sun-crowned, tall men, 730.
Sundawn and the sun, between the, 805.
Sunday from the week divide, 126.
gay, 993.
killing a mouse on, 1048.
shines no Sabbath day, 326.
Sundays, begin a journey on, 293.
observe, 205.
Sundry contemplation of my travels, 70.
Sunflower fame is the scentless, 691.
turns on her god, 520.
Sung a song that you have, 791.
ballads from a cart, 274.
from morn till night, 427.
or said, that ever were, 647.
painted wrought his close, 650.
song the stars of morning, 651.
songs we, 792.
sweeter than any, my songs, 651.
under the sea, 521.
Sunium’s hight, wrote on, 511.
marbled steep, 558.
Sunk and here we are, Nantucket’s, 724.
Sunless land, sunshine to the, 486.
retreats of the ocean, 524.
sea, down to a, 500.
Sunlight drinketh dew, as, 666.
yet the moonlight is the, 683.
Sun-loved rill, 771.
Sunneshine, flies of estate and, 204.
Sunniest weather, bless you with the, 609.
Sunny as her skies, 554.
floating hair, 832.
fountains, Afric’s, 536.
openings, spots of, 536.
weather, sad thoughts and, 741.
years, life formed of, 662.
Sunrise never failed, 792.
Sunset and evening star, 685.
of life, ’t is the, 514.
tree, come to the, 570.