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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 367 John Bartlett

Virtue she finds too painful, 321.
some fall by, 47.
some mark of, 63.
successful crime called, 34.
that possession would not show, 53.
the first, if thou wilt lere, 5.
then we find the, 53.
though in rags, 274.
thousand crimes and one, 551.
tincture of vice in the best, 963.
true humility the highest, 680.
truth is the secret of, 995.
under heaven, every, 329.
wars that make ambition, 154.
with whom revenge is, 311.
Virtues, all heavenly, shoot, 527.
be to her, very kind, 287.
but vices disguised, 980.
curse all his, 298.
did not go forth of us, if our, 46.
friend to her, 377.
Hannibal had mighty, 186.
is it a world to hide, in, 74.
nothing could surpass her in, 555.
of society are the vices, 620.
pearl chain of all, 182.
powers dominations, 235.
spring of, 35.
to sustain good fortune, 980.
waste thyself upon thy, 46.
we write in water, 100.
will plead like angels, 118.
Virtue’s ferme land, 267.
guide, this maxim be my, 350.
manly cheek, 424.
side, his failings leaned to, 396.
Virtuous actions, 858.
all the sisters, 1044.
and noble education, 253.
and vicious every man, 318.
because thou art, 75.
deeds, blessings wait on, 294.
deeds, matter for, 36.
do, tell the mischief the, 698.
if a man be, withal, 4.
liberty, hour of, 298.
life, walk of, 307.
man, slumbers of the, 299.
Marcia towers above her sex, 298.
outrageously, 297.
soul, only a sweet and, 204.
who that is most, 4.
woman’s counsel, 36.
world to hide, 74.
Virtuousest discreetest best, 238.
Virtuously, many daughters have done, 1021.
Visage, devotion’s, 135.
in his mind, saw Othello’s, 151.
lean body and, 222.
on his bold, 491.
Visages do cream and mantle, 60.
Visible for the uncertain, 952.
no light but darkness, 223.
Vision, a more delightful, 409.
and the faculty divine, 479.
baseless fabric of this, 43.
beatific, enjoyed in, 225.
Vision brightening in their eyes, 798.
clear dream and solemn, 245.
feminine, dazzles the, 606.
golden hours of, 826.
has vanished, ah me the, 746.
his life is a, 805.
I took it for a faery, 244.
never dazzle the feminine, 606.
of the powers, our misshaping, 682.
of unfilled desire, 954.
sensible to feeling, 119.
thine was the prophet’s, 647.
where there is no, 1021.
write the, make it plain, 1028.
ye that follow the, 854.
young men’s, 268.
Visions, I have multiplied, 1027.
of glory, 383.
of my youth, happy, 662.
young men shall see, 1028.
Visit her face too roughly, 128.
my sad heart, 112.
o’er the globe, our annual, 438.
Visits like those of angels, 281, 355, 514.
Visitations daze the world, 606.
Visiting acquaintance, 440.
Visitings, compunctious, 117.
Vistas, dark, of the reboantic norns, 636.
Visual nerve, 240.
Vital in every part, 236.
spark of heavenly flame, 334.
Vixerunt fortes ante Agamemnona, 555.
Vocal spark instinct with music, 485.
voices, singers with, 285.
Vocation of men is to serve others, 996.
’t is my, 83.
to labour in his, 83.
Vociferation, in sweet, 285.
Vociferous, vocal voices most, 285.
Voice and utterance, give them, 420.
ascending high, my, 302.
big manly, 69.
bird shall carry the, 1023.
but a wandering, 474.
cry sleep no more, I heard a, 119.
each a mighty, 478.
give few thy, 130.
I sing with mortal, 236.
in autumn’s hush, still small, 650.
in every wind, 381.
in my dreaming ear, 515.
in the darkness, a distant, 644.
in the street, uttereth her, 1016.
is Jacob’s voice, 1005.
is still for war, my, 298.
joy is the sweet, 502.
like a prophet’s word, 562.
living, sways the soul, 934.
lost with singing of anthems, 88.
love’s familiar, 566.
methought I heard a, 119.
monstrous little, 57.
more safe I sing with mortal, 236.
my spirit can cheer, 596.