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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 379 John Bartlett

White and still, sech nights all, 736.
as heaven, soul as, 197.
as snow, beard was as, 142.
as the thoughts of an angel, 857.
black and gray, 231.
bow thy head thou lily, 755.
goddess, O liberty, 798.
man, marry any sort of, 698.
man’s burden, 853.
or a black stone, 975.
pure celestial, 574.
radiance of eternity, 565.
sail upon the ocean verge, 802.
shall not neutralize the black, 712.
so very white, nor, 464.
sunshine not so sweet and, 757.
the window-panes are, 714.
their, it stays forever, 815.
throne, nearer the great, 758.
throne, space for liberty’s, 788.
truth in simple nakedness, 678.
wench’s black eye, 106.
will have its black, 404.
wings lessening up the skies, 771.
with snow, fairest meadow, 691.
with the fear of the foe, 748.
wonder of Juliet’s hand, 108.
Whited sepulchres, 1033.
White-handed hope, 243.
Whiteness, angel, 52.
of his soul, 776.
of his soul, he had kept the, 543.
Whitens in the sun, web that, 526.
Whiter grows the foam, 823.
than driven snow, 380.
Whitewashed wall, 397.
White-winged reapers, 264.
Whither, and how shall I go, 795.
I am going O, 764.
thou goest I will go, 1006.
Who are you, 798.
can wrestle against sleep, 696.
doth not crave for rest, 717.
dreads to the dust returning, 756.
hath no fault at all, 679.
have fought the good fight, 746.
knows but on their sleep may rise, 806.
knows the thoughts of a child, 781.
loves not wine woman and song, 697.
never climbs as rarely falls, 650.
never doubted never half believed, 721.
never wins can rarely lose, 650.
nevermore would come again, 648.
ran to help me when I fell, 535.
shrinks from the sable shore, 756.
sleep on glory’s brightest, 580.
that hath ever been, 497.
think not God at all, 242.
think too little, 268.
thinks must mourn, 289.
thought he was stuffed, 723.
twain in faith in love, 651.
would fardels bear, 136.
would not be a boy, 541.
would not seek the happy, 717.
would not weep, 327.
Whole duty of man, 1024.
half was more than the, 944.
head is sick, 1024.
heart is faint, 1024.
life long, a fool his, 697.
new democratic world, 584.
of it, let me taste the, 711.
of life to live, ’t is not the, 496.
one stupendous, 316.
part we see but not a, 315.
range of imaginative literature, 699.
sea’s speech, 769.
stay for bread, 1025.
wide world, 821.
wood-world is one full peal, 678.
world, if he shall gain the, 1032.
world kin, makes the, 102.
world send back the song, 695.
Wholesale borrowers, we are all, 699.
Wholesome stars of love, 678.
restraint, liberty is, 531.
the nights are, 127.
Wholesomest, old wine is, 181.
Wholly consisted of lines like these, 778.
Whores were burnt alive, 287.
Whose dog are you, 334.
words are few and often funny, 720.
Whoso loves believes the impossible, 659.
sheddeth man’s blood, 1004.
would be a man, 618.
Why a wherefore, every, 50, 210.
and I can’t think, 800.
and wherefore in all things, 93.
ar’ n’t they all contented, 875.
or whence, you can’t imagine, 609.
surely my Jenny, 750.
the sea is boiling hot, 782.
thus longing thus forever sighing, 731.
Wicked anyhow I can’t help it, 700.
are wicked no doubt, 698.
cease from troubling, 1008.
flee when no man pursueth, 1021.
forsake his way, 1026.
I is, I’s, 700.
little better than one of the, 83.
man was never wise, 342.
mercies of the, are cruel, 1018.
must have done something, 949.
no man all at once, 907.
no peace unto the, 1026.
or charitable, be thy intents, 130.
something, this way comes, 123.
war regarded as, has fascinations, 836.
will, 809.
world, vanity of this, 1042.
Wickedness, disgrace of, added to old age, 921.
methods in man’s, 197.
one man’s, 896.
sweet in his mouth, 1009.
tents of, dwell in the, 1013.
Wickliffe’s dust shall spread abroad, 484.
Wictim of connubiality, the, 701.