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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 79 John Bartlett

Discontent, winter of our, 95.
Discontented, everyone that was, 700.
with the divine discontent, 729.
Discord, all your danger is in, 645.
brayed horrible, 236.
dire effects from civil, 299.
harmony not understood, 316.
Discords, straining harsh, 108.
Discordance in the roll and march, no, 685.
Discordant life, echo from our, 761.
Discourse, bid me, 161.
good company and good, 208.
kind of excellent, dumb, 43.
like a Persian carpet, 909.
more sweet, 228.
most eloquent music, 138.
of reason, beast that wants, 128.
of the elders, miss not the, 1029.
such large, 142.
sweet and voluble is his, 55.
Sydneian showers of sweet, 259.
the banquet of the mind, 346.
tongue so varied in, 511.
Discourses in our time to come,108.
Discover what will do, often, 721.
Discoverer of climes his elders do not know, 785.
Discovery, never made mistake never made, 721.
of divine truths, 304.
Discreetest best, virtuousest, 238.
Discreetly blot, 221.
Discretion is the better part of valour, 87, 197.
of speech, 167.
philosophy is nothing but, 195.
thou art a jewel, 1046.
through the little hole of, 56.
Discuss it freely, as when they, 603.
Discussed with buoyant, 830.
Disdain, in rich, 803.
my dear lady, 50.
Disease called lack of money, 957.
of an evil conscience, the, 693.
remedy worse than, 165, 895.
shapes of foul, 676.
this strange, of modern life, 753.
young, 317.
Diseases crucify the soul of man, 188.
desperate grown, 141.
extreme, 886.
Diseased, minister to a mind, 125.
nature breaks forth, 85.
Disgised, fack can’t be no longer, 787.
Disguise, scandal in, 330.
the sweet soul, 780.
thyself as thou wilt, 379.
Disguises, troublesome, 234.
Dish, butter in a lordly, 1006.
fit for the gods, 111.
Dishes, are these choice, 388.
home-made, that drive, 593.
Dishonour, honour rooted in, 680.
I have lived in such, 158.
Dishonourable graves, 110.
Disinheriting countenance, 442.
Disinterested good not our trade, 417.
Disinterestedness, part of, 980.
Dislike, hesitate, 327.
Dislimns the rack, 158.
Disloyalty, to doubt would be, 717.
Dismal science, professors of the, 583.
tidings, coveyed the, 397.
treatise rouse, would at a, 125.
Dismayed, when the sinner is, 578.
Dismaying solitude, 602.
Dismiss us with thy blessing, 862.
Dismissed without a parting pang, 296.
Dismissing the doctor, 454.
Disobedience, man’s first, 223.
to nature, 932.
Disorder, brave, 323.
most admired, 122.
sweet, in the dress, 201.
Dispaires, comfortlesse, 30.
Disparting towers, 358.
Dispel this cloud, 340.
Dispensary, Garth did not write his, 325.
Dispensations, holy shifts are, 212.
Displaced the mirth, 122.
Disposed to take a morose or desponding, 603.
Disposer of other men’s stuff, 175.
Disposes, man proposes God, 7.
Disposition, shake our, 131.
very melancholy, 50.
wisdom acquired by, 886.
Dispraise or blame, 242.
other men’s, 258.
Dispraises, praising most, 327.
Dispraised no small praise, 240.
Dispute, could we forbear, 221.
my right there is none to, 416.
Disputing, itch of, 175.
Disrespect, luxury of, 483.
Disrepectfully of the equator, speak 459.
Dissect, creatures you, 320.
Dissemble, right to, 445.
Dissembling nature, 95.
Dissension between hearts, 526.
Dissent, dissidence of, 408.
Dissevering power, 246.
Dissipation without pleasure, 431.
Dissolve, empires, 841.
great globe itself shall, 43.
Dissolves, all the world, 41.
the spell of its silence, 646.
Dissonance, air with barbarous, 245.
Dissonant chords, 786.
Distance, frozen by, 473.
lends enchantment, 512.
made more sweet by, 477.
notes by, more sweet, 390.
smooth at a, 181.
sometimes endears friendship, 589.
there’s a magic in the, 854.
what looks dark in the, 808.
Distant prospects please us, 181.
scene, I do not ask to see the, 607.
shore, on a stern and, 856.
spires, ye, 381.
Trojans never injured me, 337.