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Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.

pages 703

three are present, the lowest is situated just below the junction of the great saphenous and femoral veins, the middle in the femoral canal, and the highest in the lateral part of the femoral ring. The middle one is the most inconstant of the three, but the highest, the gland of Cloquet or Rosenmüller, is also frequently absent. They receive as afferents the deep lymphatic trunks which accompany the femoral vessels, the lymphatics from the glans penis vel clitoridis, and also some of the efferents from the superficial subinguinal glands.

The Lymphatic Vessels of the Lower Extremity—The lymphatic vessels of the lower extremity consist of two sets, superficial and deep, and in their distribution correspond closely with the veins.
  The superficial lymphatic vessels lie in the superficial fascia, and are divisible into two groups: a medial, which follows the course of the great saphenous vein, and a lateral, which accompanies the small saphenous vein. The vessels of the medial group (Fig. 610) are larger and more numerous than those of the lateral group, and commence on the tibial side and dorsum of the foot; they ascend both in front of and behind the medial malleolus, run up the leg with the great saphenous vein, pass with it behind the medial condyle of the femur, and accompany it to the groin, where they end in the subinguinal group of superficial glands. The vessels of the lateral group arise from the fibular side of the foot; some ascend in front of the leg, and, just below the knee, cross the tibia to join the lymphatics on the medial side of the thigh; others pass behind the lateral malleolus, and, accompanying the small saphenous vein, enter the popliteal glands.
  The deep lymphatic vessels are few in number, and accompany the deep bloodvessels. In the leg, they consist of three sets, the anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and peroneal, which accompany the corresponding bloodvessels, two or three with each artery; they enter the popliteal lymph glands.
  The deep lymphatic vessels of the gluteal and ischial regions follow the course of the corresponding bloodvessels. Those accompanying the superior gluteal vessels end in a gland which lies on the intrapelvic portion of the superior gluteal artery near the upper border of the greater sciatic foramen. Those following the inferior gluteal vessels traverse one or two small glands which lie below the Piriformis muscle, and end in the hypogastric glands.
6. The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis

The Lymph Glands of the Abdomen and Pelvis—The lymph glands of the abdomen and pelvis may be divided, from their situations, into (a) parietal, lying behind the peritoneum and in close association with the larger bloodvessels; and (b) visceral, which are found in relation to the visceral arteries.
  The parietal glands (Figs. 611, 612) include the following groups:
External Iliac.
Iliac Circumflex.
Lumbar     Lateral Aortic.
Common Iliac.
  The External Iliac Glands, from eight to ten in number, lie along the external iliac vessels. They are arranged in three groups, one on the lateral, another on the medial, and a third on the anterior aspect of the vessels; the third group is, however, sometimes absent. Their principal afferents are derived from the inguinal and subinguinal glands, the deep lymphatics of the abdominal wall below the umbilicus and of the adductor region of the thigh, and the lymphatics from the glans