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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.


Lurk behind, like a concealed root.
—Miguel de Cervantes

Lurked as comfortably as a shy bird in its native thicket.
—Joseph Conrad

Lurk like vermin.
—John Davidson

Lurks like embers raked in ashes.
—John Dryden

Lurks and clings as withering, damning blight.
—George Eliot

Lurking … like a concealed enemy.
—Henry Fielding

Lurks like a mole underneath the visible surface of manners.
—Thomas Hardy

Lurk, like a snake under the innocent shade
Of a spread summer-leaf.
—Thomas Middleton

Lurking like a savage thing
Crouching for a treacherous spring.
—Maurice Thompson