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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.


Public money is like holy water: every one helps himself to it.

Money is like manure; of very little use unless it be spread.
—Francis Bacon

Munny is like promises, easier maid than kept.
—Josh Billings

Money is like the manna of the wilderness: sweet and wholesome if it is gathered and used by faith each day: breeding worms if hoarded by doubt.
—Hugh O. Penticost

Money is like whiskey: a certain quantity of it improves the condition, but too much brings about bestiality.
—Channing Pollock

A man without money is like a ship without sails.
—Dutch Proverb

His money comes from him like drops of blood.
—John Ray (Handbook of Proverbs, 1670)

A man without money is like a bird without wings; if he soars he falls to the ground and dies.
—Romanian Proverb