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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Nicholas Breton

Deaf as a door.

An honest man is like a plain coat, which without welt [fold] or guard, keepeth the body from wind and weather, and being well made fits him best that wears it; and where the stuff is more regarded than the fashion, there is not much ado in the putting of it on. So, the mind of an honest man, without tricks or compliments, keeps the credit of a good conscience from the scandal of the world and the worm of Iniquity; which being wrought by the Workman of Heaven, fits him best that wears it to His service; and where Virtue is more esteemed than Vanity, it is put on and worn with that ease that shows excellency of the Workman.

Mince like a maiden bride.

Women are like wasps in their anger. Not so, for wasps leave their stings, but women never leave their tongues behind them.