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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.


To my doubt I was,
As glass is to the color that invests it.

Agrees like the note with its measure.

Bellows as the sea does in a tempest, if by opposing winds ’tis combated.

Shall be as easy as going down the river in a boat.

Fleet as leash-slipped greyhounds.

I was to my questioning like glass unto the color which it clothes.

Seeks as does an old tailor his needle’s eye.

Slow as minor friars on sacred errands go.

Sombre as the night.

Sparkle … like iron that comes molten from the fire.

Stands steadfast, like tower which blast of wind can never shake.

Transparent … as a ruby smitten by the sun.

Whirling … like the sand doth when the whirlwind breathes.