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Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593). Doctor Faustus.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.

Scene XII

[The Court of the Duke of Vanholt.]


Duke.Believe me, Master Doctor, this merriment hath much pleased me.

Faust.My gracious lord, I am glad it contents you so well.—But it may be, madam, you take no delight in this. I have heard that great-bellied women do long for some dainties or other. What is it, madam? Tell me, and you shall have it.

Duchess.Thanks, good Master Doctor; and for I see your courteous intent to pleasure me, I will not hide from you the thing my heart desires; and were it now summer, as it is January and the dead time of the winter, I would desire no better meat than a dish of ripe grapes.

Faust.Alas, madam, that’s nothing! Mephistophilis, begone. (Exit MEPHISTOPHILIS.) Were it a greater thing than this, so it would content you, you should have it.

Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with the grapes

Here they be, madam; wilt please you taste on them?

Duke.Believe me, Master Doctor, this makes me wonder above the rest, that being in the dead time of winter, and in the month of January, how you should come by these grapes.

Faust.If it like your Grace, the year is divided into two circles over the whole world, that, when it is here winter with us, in the contrary circle it is summer with them, as in India, Saba, and farther countries in the East; and by means of a swift spirit that I have I had them brought hither, as ye see.—How do you like them, madam; be they good?

Duchess.Believe me, Master Doctor, they be the best grapes that I e’er tasted in my life before.

Faust.I am glad they content you so, madam.

Duke.Come, madam, let us in, where you must well reward this learned man for the great kindness he hath show’d to you.

Duchess.And so I will, my lord; and, whilst I live, rest beholding for this courtesy.

Faust.I humbly thank your Grace.

Duke.Come, Master Doctor, follow us and receive your reward.[Exeunt.