
Home  »  The Poetical Works by Sir Thomas Wyatt  »  That the Eye bewrayeth alway the secret Affections of the Heart

Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503–42). The Poetical Works. 1880.


That the Eye bewrayeth alway the secret Affections of the Heart

AND if an eye may save or slay,

And strike more deep than weapon long;

And if an eye by subtle play,

May move one more than any tongue;

How can ye say that I do wrong,

Thus to suspect without desert?

For the eye is traitor to the heart.

To frame all well, I am content

That it were done unweetingly;

But yet I say, (who will assent,)

To do but well, do nothing why

That men should deem the contrary;

For it is said by men expert;

That the eye is traitor of the heart.

But yet, alas! that look, all soul,

That I do claim of right to have,

Should not, methink —— go seek the school,

To please all folk, for who can crave

Friendlier thing than heart witsave

By look to give in friendly part;

For the eye is traitor of the heart.

And my suspect is without blame;

For as ye say, not only I

But other mo have deem’d the same;

Then is it not jealousy,

But subtle look of reckless eye

Did range too far, to make me smart;

For the eye is traitor of the heart.

But I your Friend shall take it thus,

Since you will so, as stroke of chance;

And leave further for to discuss,

Whether the stroke did stick or glance?

But ’scuse who can let him advance

Dissembled looks, but for my part,

My eye must still betray my heart.

And of this grief ye shall be quit,

In helping Truth steadfast to go.

The time is long that Truth doth sit

Feeble and weak, and suff’reth woe;

Cherish him well, continue so;

Let him not fro’ your heart astart;

Then fears not the eye to shew the heart.