
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Embleme XI

XVI. Geffrey Whitney

Motto: Nemo potest duobus dominis seruire.

HERE man, who first should heauenlie thinges attaine,

And then to world his sences should incline,

First vndergoes the worlde with might and maine,

And then at foote doth drawe the lawes deuine:

Thus God hee beares and Mammon in his minde,

But Mammon first, and God doth come behinde.

Oh worldlinges fonde, that ioyne these two so ill,

The league is nought, throwe doune the world with speede:

Take vp the lawe, according to his will;

First seeke for heauen, and then for worldly neede:

But those that first their worldlie wishe doe serue,

Their gaine is losse, and seeke their soules to sterue.