
Home  »  Poetry: A Magazine of Verse  »  Ezra Pound

Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936). The New Poetry: An Anthology. 1917.


Ezra Pound

GOOD God! They say you are risqué!

O canzonetti,

We who went out into the four A. M. of the world,

Composing our albas;

We who shook off our dew with the rabbits;

We who have seen even Artemis a-binding her sandals,

Have we ever heard the like! O mountains of Hellas!

Gather about me, O Muses!

When we sat upon the granite brink in Helicon

Clothed in the tattered sunlight,

O Muses with delicate shins,

O Muses with delectable knee-joints,

When we splashed and were splashed with

The lucid Castalian spray,

Had we ever such an epithet

Cast upon us!