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Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936). The New Poetry: An Anthology. 1917.

Blue Sleep

W. Bryher

From “Hellenics”


Aphrodite of the blue sleep, the bird-black sea,

I thank you that at last my body is at peace.

I toss these flowers from the flowers, your feet,

From the pear buds of your ankles,

The white hyacinths of your limbs.

The love-hour is ended.

Swallow-wings, dreams of a spiked iris,

Gipsy your eyes.

The hollows under your knees are sweet with love.

Your knees are quince-blossoms, bent back by the rain.

Blue of your eyes,

Blue of the Greek seas that has no name,

Am I lifted

To the porch of Aphrodite on your wings?