
Home  »  Poetry: A Magazine of Verse  »  Ezra Pound

Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936). The New Poetry: An Anthology. 1917.

The Gipsy

Ezra Pound

  • “Est-ce que vous avez vu des autres—des camarades—avec des singes ou des ours?”
  • A stray gipsy—A. D. 1912

  • THAT was the top of the walk, when he said:

    “Have you seen any others, any of our lot,

    “With apes or bears?”
    —A brown upstanding fellow

    Not like the half-castes,
    up on the wet road near Clermont.

    The wind came, and the rain,

    And mist clotted about the trees in the valley,

    And I’d the long ways behind me,
    gray Arles and Biaucaire,

    And he said, “Have you seen any of our lot?”

    I’d seen a lot of his lot …
    ever since Rhodez,

    Coming down from the fair
    of St. John,

    With caravans, but never an ape or a bear.