
C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.


A single word often betrays a great design.

Disagreeable suspicions are usually the fruits of a second marriage.

Felicity is in possession, happiness in anticipation.

He who bridles the fury of the billows knows also to put a stop to the secret plans of the wicked. Submitting with respect to His holy will, I fear God, and have no other fear.

He who ruleth the raging of the sea knows also how to check the designs of the ungodly. I submit myself with reverence to His Holy Will. O Abner, I fear my God, and I fear none but Him.

How admirable and beautiful is the simplicity of the Evangelists! They never speak injuriously of the enemies of Jesus Christ, of His judges, nor of His executioners. They report the facts without a single reflection. They comment neither on their Master’s mildness when He was smitten, nor on His constancy in the hour of His ignominious death, which they thus describe: “And they crucified Jesus.”

Let us do what honor demands.

Silent anguish is the more dangerous.

Small crimes always precede great crimes. Whoever has been able to transgress the limits set by law may afterwards violate the most sacred rights; crime, like virtue, has its degrees, and never have we seen timid innocence pass suddenly to extreme licentiousness.

The happiness of the wicked passes away like a torrent.

This feeling of distrust is always the last which a great mind acquires; he is deceived for a long time.

Wrinkles on the brow are the imprints of exploits.