
Home  »  Respectfully Quoted  »  Horace Mann (1796–1859)

Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

NUMBER: 1875
AUTHOR: Horace Mann (1796–1859)
QUOTATION: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.
ATTRIBUTION: HORACE MANN, baccalaureate address, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1859.—Life and Works of Horace Mann, ed. Mrs. Mary Mann, vol. 1, p. 575 (1868).

“The motivating principle of Mann’s life was nowhere better or more clearly expressed than in the oft-quoted words with which he closed his last Commencement address at Antioch College.”—Dictionary of American Biography, vol. 6, p. 243. Mann died a few weeks later. He had served in Congress 1848–1853.