
Grocott & Ward, comps. Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.


Tut, tut!
Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle.
Shakespeare.—King Richard II., Act II. Scene 3. (York to Bolingbroke.)

Midas me no Midas; he’s a wit; he understands eating and drinking well.
Dryden.—The Wild Gallant, Act II. Scene 1.

Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds.
Shakespeare.—Romeo and Juliet, Act III. Scene 5. (Capulet to Juliet.)

Madam me no madam, but learn to retrench your words; and say, Mam; as yes, Mam, and no, Mam; as other ladies’ women do.
Dryden.—The Wild Gallant, Act II. Scene 2.

Petition me no petitions, sir, to-day.
Fielding.—Tom Thumb, Act I. Scene 2.

Cause me no causes.
Massinger.—A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Act I. Scene 3.

Map me no maps, sir; my head is a map, a map of the whole world.
Fielding.—Rape upon Rape, Act I. Scene 5.

But me no buts.
Fielding.—Rape upon Rape, Act II. Scene 11. Aaron Hill.—Snake in the Grass, Scene I.

Virgin me no virgins.
Massinger.—A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Act III. Scene 2.

End me no ends.
Massinger.—A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Act V. Scene 1.

Play me no plays.
Foote.—The Knights, Act II.

Front me no fronts.
Ford.—The Lady’s Trial, Act II. Scene 1.

Vow me no vows.
Beaumont and Fletcher.—Wit without Money, Act IV. Scene 4.

Diamond me no diamonds! prize me no prizes.
Tennyson.—Idylls of the King, Elaine.

O me no O’s, but hear.
Ben Jonson.—The Case is Altered, Act V. Scene 1.