
Grocott & Ward, comps. Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth glad tidings.
Isaiah, Chap. lii. Ver. 7.

Whose feet they hurt in the stocks: the iron entered into his soul.
Psalm cv. Ver. 18.

I heard his chains upon his legs as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a deep sigh; I saw the iron enter into his soul.
Sterne.—Sent. Journey: The Captive.

Who of you, then, would announce to those within the wished-for presence of our common feet.
Sophocles.—Trans. by Buckley. (Electra.)

O thou that hast the most welcome service of the feet.
Sophocles.—Trans. by Buckley.

Her feet, beneath her petticoat,
Like little mice, stole in and out,
As if they fear’d the light;
But oh! she dances such a way,
No sun upon an Easter-day
Is half so fine a sight.
Sir John Suckling.—A Ballad upon a Wedding. Verse 8.

And the prettiest foot; Oh if a man could but fasten his eyes to her feet as they steal in and out, and play at bo-peep under her petticoats, Ah! Mr. Trapland?
Congreve.—Love for Love, Act I. Scene 5. Valentine to Trapland. (Suckling died before Congreve was born.)

Her pretty feet like snails do creep
A little out, and then,
As if they played at bo-peep,
Did soon draw in again.
Herrick.—The Hesperides, Amatory Odes, No. 207.