APA Research Project Draft



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Apr 3, 2024





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A Comprehensive Analysis of Estate Sales by Dee By: Richard Becker BUAD-201 Dr. Rodriguez November 1, 2023
Abstract Intro - Will be completed once the rest of paper is completed to produce accuracy.
Intro - Will be completed once the rest of paper is completed to produce accuracy. Effective promotion is paramount in any business no matter the size. A company's ability to effectively reach their customer base is essential. An estate sale company is no different. Building interest and appealing to sapience is a continuous endeavor. No residence or their possessions are the same. Generations of life, family, and natural accumulation are present. Crews must examine, clean, and construct quality displays. Much of what is found at these sales are pre-owned to some extent, inherited or purchased over periods of time. Ranging from wedding rings, jewelry, and clothing; to glassware, tools, and weapons (Cleary). Once thriving homes become estate sales over a short time. How does one price or know what will sell? No simple instructions or guides exist, but experience tends to obtain supreme results. Availability of information and data has of course helped simplify this process. But knowledge of the socioeconomics for each sale location is learnt through experience. A specific painting could have high selling prices online, customers may only be willing or can afford to spend a much lower asking amount. A house is filled with beautiful decorations and designer clothing will experience a profit loss if priced like a retail store. Budget-friendly is as if not more important than quality when running an estate sale company (Cleary). Because estate sales rely on customers and their belief of finding a fair price. What factors drive peoples logic when deciding whether to buy or not? Humans cannot read each other's minds but cultural awareness is a first step. Estate sales are not a new concept and have successfully operated for generations. In that time, consumers and property clients have changed. America is a platform where cultures combine to produce diversity which frequently alters traditions (Ghadar 173). Cities and towns have grown, populations increased, and diversity expanded. An estate sale in Mobile, Alabama will not operate under the same conditions as one in Riverside, California. Knowing who shops, their price and product preferences is essential. Constant consumer outreach and feedback is important. In some instances, cultural differences may yield misunderstood or adverse outlook. Discerning a difference between an estate and garage sale is quite common. Some may not understand why a family decides to be rid of heirlooms and personal belongings whilst others see it all as a burden or junk (Cleary). Maria and her crew are tasked with not only turning a profit to pay for overhead and expenses, but presenting a nominal return for clients who just lost their family member in some instances. Still some patrons expect low prices and a bargain atmosphere which is not ignorance but misinterpretation. Cultural awareness is vital and plays a paramount role in life (Ghadar 174). One’s ability to overcome ethnic barriers and promote effective perception should be crucial to every business owner. For Estate Sales by Dee, mirroring such principals has bolstered successful relationships with clients and consumers. As technology continues to simplify businesses' framework, adaptation is critical to success. Owners must develop effective marketing strategies to maintain and increase commerce. Whether investing, outreach, or through social media channels. Estate sale companies like Maria’s must apply archaic approaches to modern business operations. Word-of-mouth is essential between customers. News may spread to multiple family and friends of a single patron. Estate sales are dependent on impressions. Customers showing-up to a messy sale where every article is dirty and overpriced would negatively impact confidence and build mistrust (Cleary). Multiple estate sales by numerous companies transpire daily and losing customer base for negligence is not an option. Estate Sales by Dee has preserved loyal patrons for decades and has no intention of neglecting that relationship.
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