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Apr 3, 2024





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The Hero's Journey Assessment Step 1: Select and read one of the following short stories. Each may be found online. Contact your instructor if you need assistance locating the story. "Cranes" by Hwang Sun-won "Initiation" by Sylvia Plath "The Interlopers" by Saki Step 2: Not every hero's journey plot will use all 12 stages. Authors will choose the stages that best fit the characters and their story. Read your selected short story. Locate three stages of the hero's journey that are present in the text. Complete the graphic organizer using complete sentences and details from your selected short story. Title of Short Story "Initiation" by Sylvia Plath The Hero's Journey Stage Definition In My Own Words An Example from My Selected Short Story with Justification The call to adventure The hero is called to leave their normal life and go on a journey to a new or unknown world. This could be a literal journey to a new place or a metaphorical journey of self- discovery. In Sylvia Plath's "Initiation," Millicent's journey is like a hero's journey in a few ways. It starts with Millicent in her everyday life, feeling safe and comfortable. Then, she gets an invitation to join a sorority, which is like her call to adventure. This invitation leads her to learn more about herself and change as a person as she goes through the initiation process. Meeting the mentor Along the way, the hero meets a wise figure who guides and helps them. This mentor provides advice, training, or tools that will assist the hero on their journey. As the story goes on, Millicent meets different people who help her, like Betsy Johnson and Louise Fullerton. They give her advice and tell her what to do as a new member of the sorority. These people act as mentors, guiding Millicent and supporting her as she goes through the challenges of Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
joining the group. The ordeal The hero faces a final, life- threatening challenge that forces them to confront their greatest fear. This ordeal is a crucial moment of transformation for the hero, as they must "die" to their old self in order to be "reborn" stronger and wiser. The most important part of the story is when Millicent has to decide whether to follow the sorority's rules or stay true to herself. This is a big challenge for her because she wants to fit in, but she also wants to be herself. In the end, Millicent chooses to be true to herself, which changes her in a big way. The reward After overcoming the ordeal, the hero comes out stronger and receives a reward. This could be a physical reward, such as a treasure, or a more personal reward, such as a new understanding of themselves or their place in the world. After going through all these experiences, Millicent returns to her normal life, but she's different. She has learned more about herself and her relationships with others. This change is like a reward for her journey, as she has grown and become more aware of herself. Millicent's story in "Initiation" shows how she faces challenges and grows as a person, like a hero in a story. Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
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