unit 5 writing assignment]



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Feb 20, 2024





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1 Unit 5: Writing Assignment Rachel Grant Melin Belhaven University EDU-622 Teaching Reading Math Skills Professor Angela Bonner February 10, 2024
2 Unit 5 Writing Assignment Apply skills and strategies presented in this lesson to develop a plan for teaching from “Little Things are Big” (reading/interest level 4-6). Your plan must involve a minimum of 4 reading comprehension strategies different from the ones used in Writing Assignment #1. The short story “Little Things Are Big” by Jesus Colon teaches about perspectives. He talks about his personal experience and how he perceived the outcome as a bad outcome due to fear because of the stigmas that are surrounded by the African American race. This story also shows how Jesus views himself as an individual. To help my students analyze Jesus Colon’s story, I will use several reading comprehension strategies that will help my students understand his point of view. The first strategy that I will use is making connections. Before I give the students their reading assignment, I will play a short 5-minute video on the History of the Civil Rights Movement ( https://youtu.be/URxwe6LPvkM?si=1kONU7PcU79boT1Z ). This video will show students how African Americans were treated in the United States before and after the Civil Rights Movement. After they have watched the video, we will discuss as a class what they saw, what they already know about the topic, and what they may not know. After our discussion, I will explain that they will read a short story that took place during this time. Showing the video before students read the story will help them connect with Jesus’s situation and what was happening in his world then. Once the class has finished their reading, I will use inferring as a strategy to help students understand what was going on in the story. I will begin by explaining what inference means. I will share that to infer something, you “read between the lines” or make an “educated guess.”
3 For example, you come home from school and see your dad’s car parked in the driveway, so that means, dad must be home. You inferred that dad must be home because his car is home. I will have students make inferences about Jesus’ story. By doing this, they will use the making connections strategy more strongly. They infer that Jesus grew up during a time when African Americans struggled to have a normal life, so that is why Jesus was hesitant to ask the woman if she needed help. By doing this, students may infer what may have happened if he did ask an offer to help the woman. I will also use compare and contrast to help my class understand why Jesus chose not to help the woman and quickly walked past her. This can be done by using a T-chart. I will have a T-chart already printed off and labeled. One side will be labeled “Civil Rights Era” and the other side will be labeled as “Current.” Students will list information on what took place during the Civil Rights Era; for example: segregation of schools. On the other side, they will list whether or not if this is evident in our current society. By doing this, students can see why Jesus was hesitant to offer help. Finally, I will use identify cause and effect strategy to learn more about Jesus. After students have spent time reading and making inferences on this story, we will have an open discussion on the story and the video. We will discuss the issues fromo the video and how it relates to what life was like for Jesus. Because African American were fighting for their rights, many of them were punished and persecuted for alleged crimes. I will share and example with them on Emmitt Till and how he was brutely murdered for alleged flirting with a white woman. I will explain that crimes like this were common during Jesus’ lifetime. Having students infer the situation, along with compare and contrast what was going on, they can see why Jesus decided not to ask if the woman needed help. The trouble with this is, that Jesus is a caring person and
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