Week 5 Discussion



University Of Arizona *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Week 5 Discussion Good evening, Circumstances of Justice Please explain what you think justice is : Justice is giving what one deserves or has earned based on one's merits. For example, if a crime is committed, we would want justice for the person suffering and who caused that suffering. As stated in the text, justice is concerned with treating people fairly and in accordance with what they de serve with respect to the distribution of goods and services as well as rewards and punishment. The connection between justice and fairness is that justice cannot be achieved without fairness. When we archived both, we allowed individuals the same chance at a good life. A law doesn’t have to be just for everyone for the law to be just. I think of affirmative action as an example; it aimed to promote diversity and address inequalities but ended up having unjust practices for others outside of the race to which it was trying to bring justice. The Veil of Ignorance Create a just law: My just law would be that every individual will have the right to affordable and safe housing after reaching the legal age automatically given to them, with a mortgage payment of no more than 25% of their monthly earnings/ income. My law would be fair and moral; everyone deserves safe and affordable housing. Everyone should have the right to access affordable housing no matter how much or little they earn if they choose to have a home. The law would help with the well-being of our society. The law would contribute to everyone contributing to the economics of housing. Just Law and Case Studies Consider one of the case studies you used in the assignment. How might the law you created for this discussion impact the ethical issue or problem addressed in the case study? The law I created for this case study would be that every individual would have the right to affordable and safe housing after reaching the legal age automatically given to them, with a mortgage payment of no more than 25% of their monthly earnings/ income.
Ethical question: Is it fair to automatically provide all individuals with affordable and safe housing at a set rate? This law would reduce the spread of sickness as individuals would be able to have a safe and affordable place to get well. As stated above, the increased contribution to our economic system of all individuals is now paying into the housing market, household items, and utilities. Thank you, Simonee
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