Session 3 Bibliography



Colorado Christian University *

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Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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Weston, F. (2020, November 10) Biden’s win is no victory for the working class: the US needs a workers’ party. In Defense of Marxism In this article, the author states that the United States requires a powerful political party apart from the Democratic and Republican parties. He contends that these parties need to represent the working class adequately. It is a false feeling of comfort to suppose that Joe Biden's vow to focus on "shared values" will relieve the strains of the actual working class. Many Americans are "food insecure," live in poverty, and lack medical care. Therefore, their values may differ from those of others. The author portrays Biden as the "lesser evil" (cite). When US workers understand that Biden has done nothing, they will vote for a character like Donald Trump, whom the writer depicts as "the greater evil" (cite). Because of this, American workers must create a separate political party that will move the country closer to actual socialism. Marxism is portrayed as the only viable political system that would accommodate the needs of a large percentage of American workers, in addition to being an optimistic viewpoint. The writer of this article is a strong supporter of Marxism, and I do agree that those in poverty have a different view and values. We should feed the needy if we can, and those without health insurance should not have to live with health issues, illness, or death from curable diseases. For many workers, the motivation to keep going comes from the thought of working toward the dream of one day being a property owner may have some truth to it. But Myers' and Noebel’s (2015) Marxists' portrayal of the working class as Snow White, enchanted into a state of trance by their oppressed, urges workers to rebel against the system they believe would enable them to achieve their objectives. They write, “This spell is broken when workers discover their true plight, throw off their chains, and form a worker’s paradise in which everyone works according to their ability and takes only what they need. This narrative is deeply compelling to those who have felt the lash of oppression.” (p. 109). The author supports the idea of a separate political party outside the Democratic and Republican parties but does not advocate for Marxism. For some, the struggle with voting for the "lesser evil" idea is often a choice due to societal pressure, of the importance of voting. However, to vote without a genuine value in a candidate, instead of settling on the "lesser evil" does not make them vote-worthy.
Limbaugh, D (2021, July 15) American Marxism the Spectrum marxism/7982738002/ The author of this article, David Limbaugh, bases his claim that America is headed toward Marxism on the arguments made by Mark Levin, the author of "American Marxism." The incorporation and adaptation of Marxist principles in American culture is called American Marxism. According to Limbaugh, Marxism is controlling the rights that the country's founders battled for while being concealed by "progressives" as a demand for social, racial, and political justice. He characterizes the Black Lives Matter movement as a group that uses racial tension to generate division. Its negative impacts are evident in American culture, as those who disagree with their objective are suppressed. Myers and Noebel state in "Understanding the Times," "Christianity --and all religions, for that matter--- will be overthrown because people will see religion as a trick used to keep them from standing up against injustice." (p. 107) With Marxism, it is believed this is the ultimate outcome with intention. "To Marxists, this is the course of history. It cannot be stopped" (p. 107) The cancel culture of today has restricted much content that people consider "offensive." No one's ability to express themselves freely in America should be restricted out of concern for negative consequences. However, it is a stretch to say that Americans are turning Marxist because they are demanding equality and justice. As previously stated, there's a possibility that some may take advantage of the circumstances to achieve their own goals, but we should still address the problems of society. It is ridiculous to label every effort to make injustices right as "Marxism." The idea that Marxists are progressives is much more dangerous. While making it clear that not all liberals are Marxists, Myers and Noebel (2015) went on to say that "To embrace a belief in constant progress, people must give up their belief in a rational, purposeful, powerful God whose plans and purposes do not involve economic overthrow" (p.108). I disagree with this claim because I don't think having a modern viewpoint equates to having a distorted understanding of God. According to the Bible, God wants us to plan, go forward, and flourish. (Proverbs 21:5)
No, BlackRock is not leading a Marxist assault on capitalism. 203042 The article refutes claims that BlackRock's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda is a slippery slope to socialism. Fink, BlackRock's CEO, leads the fight against neo-Marxist governments through ESG obligations. Critics claim that this is consistent with corporate socialism, while ESG supporters argue that it leads to higher long-term financial gains. The topic has become a significant campaign issue in the 2024 presidential election, with Republican candidate Kevin McCarthy accusing Biden of utilizing Wall Street money to advance a radical left political agenda. This aligns with the text's emphasis on understanding economic systems. As Myers and Noebel state, "Economic systems shape societies and influence individual behavior" (2015, p. 139). " Is equality compatible with the nuclear family? Alva Gotby proposes a radical politics of friendship ." Link: proposes-a-radical-politics-of-friendship-199420 Summary: The article examines Alva Gotby's criticism of the conventional family, her advocacy of the politics of friendship, and her suggestion to abandon the idea of the family altogether. "They Call It Love" by Alva Gotby criticizes gender inequality in the mental health industry and conventional family structures. She suggests doing away with the traditional family unit in favor of a friendship-centered lifestyle. She creates the term "emotional reproduction" to describe how mothers and women are forced to continue providing excessive amounts of unpaid emotional and other care due to the capitalist need for affordable domestic labor. She contends that although emotional skills are primarily about kindness, working-class children still need to acquire them. Response: Gotby's proposal aligns with the text's discussion on family structures. Myers and Noebel argue that "the family unit plays a crucial role in shaping societal values" (2015, p. 138). Gotby's ideas challenge this norm. Economic growth is fuelling climate change – a new book proposes ‘degrowth communism’ as the solution .
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