
1984 Analysis

Decent Essays

I have begun reading 1984 by George Orwell.The novel is written through the perspective of Winston Smith.The world he lives in is controlled by the party who force propaganda to the public, encouraging people to not think for themselves and in fact punishes people for “thought crimes”. Winston among others are watched very closely and are listened in at random. A way they watch people is through the ‘telescreens’ that can not be turned off.

The face of the party is Big Brother, he is described as constantly watching over the citizens on posters, coins, tv’s, everything. He is already a symbol when the two minutes hate occurs, when the enemy of Oceania (the name of where they live), Goldstein is broadcasted on a screen that invokes fear into the citizens. During the two minutes Winston and his coworkers get angry and scared and the mob mentality makes them join into vicious screaming and jumping. Winston hates the party and that's make clear throughout the book but he is very influential as the narrator says,”In a lucid moment Winston found that he …show more content…

The disturbing thing is that children are raised off of this and betray their parents, Winston’s neighbours kids not so playfully attack him pretending to be thought police and the look in their eyes scare both Winston and their mother. This is important because it shows that family has no meaning anymore, there is no loyalty. Big Brother takes the role of family on, he’s the one to trust and he is the best. Winston understand this as he says he does not remember his childhood that well but understood that there was sacrifice to keep him alive and that it would happen

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