
1984 Technology And Privacy

Decent Essays

Everyone who has read the novel 1984 by George Orwell knows the type of government there was in the book. The government would watch each citizen’s every single move and nobody had any privacy what so ever. No one would want to live in a society like this one but our country is not far from it. Every day different companies come up with different ways to take away a little bit of our privacy. If it’s not “surveillance” cameras, which appear to be everywhere a person goes, it’s our phones and other electronic devices. Over the past 20 years, technology has advanced in an almost indescribable way and it is continuing to do so. It has a vast influence on our society and having some type of technological device is becoming a necessity for some people. Cell phones are one of these devices “with everyone from elementary school kids to senior citizens owning at least one.”(Laura Jerpi) This is making it very easy for certain companies and even our government to take away our privacy. Every conversation we have with one another is being listened to by at least one other …show more content…

These purposes would be to deprive every person of their privacy and to try and make every person scared to do anything other than what they are told to do by BIG BROTHER AND THE PARTY. One of the main devices found in the book would have to be the telescreen. The screen “could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.”(Page 2 of 1984 by George Orwell) It was used by The Party to be able to see every persons every move. Right now we are not at that point but we are not for off. We have devices like the Kinect for Xbox that can pick up a person’s movements and respond to them. Our government has to power to use this type of technology against us and take even more of our privacy away. People need to wake up and realize that our Government knows a lot more about us than we think it

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