
2.3 Bone Detectives

Satisfactory Essays

Human Body Systems Career Journal 2015-2016 Activity: 1.2.3 Bone Detectives Description: Read interviews with forensic anthropologists and synthesize a definition of the career. Your Work: Forensic anthropologists work with professional organizations to identify disaster victims. They analyze skeletal and badly decomposed human remains. They will try to assess the age, sex, ancestry, stature, and unique features of the skeleton. They will frequently work with forensic pathologists, odontologists, and homicide investigators. Their goal is to be able to match the skeleton with a missing person or victim. Activity: 1.3.2 Careers in Identity Description: Add the title Forensic Anthropologist to your career journal under your definition for …show more content…

Retrieved October 13, 2015, from Forensic DNA Analysts at Work. Retrieved October 13, 2015, from Retrieved October 13, 2015, from Activity: 2.2.5 Communication Breakdown Description: Add these two careers to your career journal. Note the key responsibilities of the job as well as the education requirements for the position. Describe at least two cases (one can be your neurology patient; one should be related to another system) where this individual can be of help to a struggling patient. Your Work: General Practitioner Responsibilities: Perform Follow-Up Appointments, Refer Patient to other doctors for more in depth tests, First point of contact for family members Education: Bachelor’s degree, high grades and scores on medical college admission test, doctor of medicine degree Uses: Neurology Patient, Anytime that a patient suspects a disease, like cancer anywhere, the General Practitioner can help give them a good idea of whether they have the disease or

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