
2 case

Better Essays and log in with this information. User ID = jwu17813102 Password = btaoup Maram Almaneea Professor: Morin Public Relations Cases and plans 3/26/14 CASE #2: Liz Claiborne “Love is Respect” 1. As a publicist, how do you convince a teacher or school to work with you in speaking with the press about such a sensitive, often secretive topic? A way to convince teachers or school to work with me in speaking with the peers about such a sensitive, often secretive topic is to visit them at their school and prevent talking through phone or technology media so I can really talk and explain clearly when I can use body language and show my real emotions towards this sensitive subject. Then I would explain …show more content…

There are different ideas can be used to pursue to sustain visibility about violence. One of the ideas is to provide parents and teachers with guidelines for talking with children about violence. Parents can talk with their kids at lunch or nigh time where they are having a family gathering. They could talk flexibly about violence, introduce the topic and explain what violence is and what are the causes of violence, the warning sign of either healthy or unhealthy relationship. I would also ask them to be open with them answering questions no matter what the question is they need to answer so the child is aware of what she or he needs or wants to know. For teachers I would guide them to ask the students to work on researches that belong to violence so the students learn about violence when they are doing the research. Also I would ask teachers to do group works where all students get to talk about the subject and share what each one of the group know about this topic so everyone get to learn a new information about violence. One other idea is to do bring guests to school to present this topic with doing some kind of fun at the same time. For example they get to ask questions and gift who answers the question. This would really help to open students eye on this topic when they are having fun too. 4. Develop a communications plan for a teen dating abuse emphasis in your local community. Include publics you could target and ideas for local fundraising. My

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