
3.1 Ump ( Unified Mysql Platform ) Essay

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2.5 UMP (Unified MySQL Platform):

It has a low cost and high performance MySQL cloud scheme, which is developed by the core database team of Taobao. Its key module is realized by the Erlang programming language. The system including controller server, proxy server, agent server, API/Web server, analysis and optimization server and log analysis server.
Developers can apply for MySQL instance resources from the platform, and access the data through a single entrance provided by the platform. UMP system maintains and manages a resource pool, to provide master-slave hot standby, data backup, disaster recovery, R/W splitting, database sharding and other service to user transparently. Its limitations are 1) it has a single point of failure and doesn’t balance the workload between the nodes. 2) It uses shared nothing architecture and so it will migrate data between servers for executing large transactions. 3) it provides static resource allocation and bad isolation algorithm using Cgroup.

2.6 Database placement and partitioning:

Beside cloud DBMS there are new database placement and partitioning software that support ACID. 2.6.1 Accordion:
It represents a dynamic data placement system for partition-based DBMSs that support ACID transactions (local or distributed). It does so by explicitly considering the affinity between partitions, which indicates the frequency in which they are accessed together by the same transactions. Accordion estimates the capacity of a server by

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