
5001 COPD

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5001 COPD
5 Were the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue?
The answer is yes. In regards to the settings of data collection, a convenient group of English speaking, community dwelling people, who were diagnosed with COPD within the last 18 years, were selected for the interview. The data was collected with the help of “semi structured interview guide developed by the interviewer and the entire interview were audio taped”. The researcher states that, the use of the topic guide helped the researcher to obtain the detailed structure of health and healing strategies in the person with COPD experiences in his day to day life. Moreover, the researcher …show more content…

was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?
In reference to the analysis process the author states that the interview were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Moreover, the investigator validated the data through multiple interviews and evaluated it for stability, consistency and dependability. For the detailed analysis the author used content analysis and constant comparative techniques. In addition to that a committee of experts performed an external audit to resolve the differences in the analysis process.
The thematic analysis method was used and the research was focused on mainly two areas which were the change of outlook of the life and the patterns of the health within the illness. The researcher documented that for the final analysis process these two areas were derived into 5 areas, where the research gathered from the patient’s point of view. The author used the patient’s own description about their life experiences to strengthen the analysis process.
The researcher included the quotes from the individual interview to strengthen the findings. for example under the category 1 , the article included that a 72 year old male stated that ..” it cuts off my activity, cuts off my doing and even sooner or later it’s going to cuts off my life

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