
622 Client Report Packet ColinReading

Better Essays

EDUC 622 Client Report Packet: Reading

EDUC 622 Client Report Possible points Points received
Required components:
Cover sheet/Teacher referral form
Interest inventory (Form A or B)
Dictated writing sample
Observation checklist: Reading
Test summary sheet - John’s Basic Reading Inventory - OR other reading test available to you


Narrative description:
Client background
Test behavior and test results


Client Report Total

Examiner’s name:
Client’s name [FIRST NAME ONLY]: Colin
Client’s age: 10 years old
Grade: 3rd
Client background
I have been working with Colin for the past year to assist him with auditory processing and phoneme awareness skills. Following completion of The …show more content…

He needs practice forming correct letters to include proper size. He also needs to be more attentive while writing so that he does not make careless spelling errors to include omitting and adding letters to words. A plastic pencil grip will assist him in his finger grip and is encouraged.

Repeat assessments to include WPM (words per minute) should be made to determine Colin’s progress and could be administered at two additional times throughout the year. If progress is not being realized by mid school year, the ECHO or other reading comprehension program can be utilized to further increase this student’s word recognition, reading fluency and comprehension skills to get him to grade level scores and ready him for the next school year.

Lastly, it is recommended that Colin visit an optometrist to determine the cause and extent of his eye discomfort.

Recommendations (for future instruction and any additional assessment) to:
Classroom teachers and paraprofessionals
Other school specialists
(Note: Recommendations based on practice test administration should be made with caution)


Student: Colin Grade: 3rd Teacher: Lisa McAuliffe
Reason for referral: Currently struggling to read fluently and apply content of text to correctly answer reading comprehension questions.

Please check any items in which the student has difficulty:

x Moderate

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