
A Brief Note On Compensation Practices And Its Effect On The Achievement Of Greater Heights Essay

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The compensation practices that a business firm partakes are independently sufficient to determine the level of success that is attainable. It is the best means to use in an attempt to get the workforce fired up for the various duties that they may be delegated. This is because it is the direct pointer of the returns the entities can generate from the full commitment they may be willing to show in the attainment of the primary objectives of the undertaking. Therefore, it is critical that any business that may harbor the intent of a forward progression towards the achievement of greater heights may be obliged to review its remuneration practices.
Problem Statement
For a protracted period, there have been myriad incidences of business firms failing to meet their objectives or the quality of services that they render to the consumers are those that are not up to a high quality. Most of these are down to the typical disgruntlement on the part of the employees that limit the effectiveness of their performance.
The benefits of compensation
Compensation is an imperative component of the workforce as it serves in the capacity of an assurance to the employees that there are positive returns at stake in the wake of the efforts they may endeavor to put. As such, there is a primary focus that ascertains that everyone remains committed to the course of the service delivery (Huselid & Becker, 2010). There needs to be an attempt to ensure that the activities that they choose

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