
A Brief Note On Ecology And The Enviroment

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Marko Kolundzija - 214162898
SLE103 – Ecology and the Enviroment
Tutor - Claire Binek Introduction
Ecosystem is a biological community of living organisms/biotic components (plants & animals) and non-living/abiotic elements (sunlight, soil, air & water) within a specific area, together forming a complex system in which they interact and adversely affect & depend on each other in one form or another (food chain, mineral recycling, trophic flow).
It’s extremely important to study ecosystems not only to better understand and the natural flow that occurs within, but also help maintain and better understand biodiversity, learn how to sustain, aid and if necessary help rebuild them too. Potentially observe any ominous sign’s, changes …show more content…

Method or how I observed the ecosystem was by randomly choosing 2 areas with in it and gradually expanding my study area from 1 to 32 m², carefully watching and noting down what I observed.
I did this by starting from surface equal to 1 m² then increasing it to 2, 4, 8 and 32 m² each time marking the boundary with a yellow fluorescent string held up by four screwdrivers that also acted as the four corners of the current quadrat correctly marked with a measuring tape and 90° angle. Each time I increased the surface are, I observed and noted down every different type of plant and animal species, any present non-living animal or plant materials, condition of the soil, different types of foliage, interactions between the living & non-living components and interaction between living organisms.

All the accumulated was put in to a data table, showing species richness for each quadrat and total cumulative number of species and then represented with a graph.

Map of areas studied in the reservce

Coordinates: 37°59 '1"S 145°10 '4"E

Area 1 Quadrat size ( m²)

1 x 1 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 4 4 x 4 4 x 8
Grass 1 X
Tree 1 X
Grass 2 X
Tree 2 X
Herb 1 X

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