
A Brief Note On The Civilian Aerospace Industry Essay

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Introduction: The civilian aerospace industry comprises firms that produce aircraft and firms that parts of these aircraft. The most commonly produced civilian transport airliners range from smaller turboprop aircraft to larger wide-body jets. Other types aircraft are produced in much smaller quantities and include two-seat leisure aircraft, corporate jets, and civilian helicopters.
Consumers of the American aircraft include the US government, airline companies, cargo transportation companies, and various private businesses. Aircraft manufacturers contract with these firms to produce aircraft. These manufacturers often subcontract with smaller companies for specific components such as engines and electronics.
The limited amount of aircraft contracts and large economies of scale in aircraft production has led the civilian aerospace industry to be dominated by a few large firms. The United States is home to most of the major producers in the civil aerospace industry, notably the Boeing Company, United Technologies, and General Electric. Due to the complexity of certain aircraft parts, subcontractor firms specialize to only produce those components. For example, companies such as General Electric and the United Technologies Corporation specialize in the production of aircraft engines. These parts are then sold to companies like Boeing and incorporated into the airframe to produce a complete aircraft. Notable foreign competitors include the European Aeronautic Defence and

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