
A Child's Lifeworld: The Social Study Of Childhood

Decent Essays

A child’s lifeworld encompasses all the experiences and environments that are frequent in their life. In trying to comprehend a child’s lifeworld, it is vital to understand the structural concepts of agency and generation, generagency and its subsets, inter-generagency and intra-generagency, that frame a child’s relationships, position in society, and their understanding of the world surrounding them.

The first concept that is important to understand is agency. Although it is a hard term to define, it is outlined in The Social Study of Childhood, as the “capacity to make choices, and to impose those choices on the world.” (McNamee, 2016, p. 33) This is an important concept because it shows us that children have the capability to dictate the world surrounding them. It shows us that they are not just passive becomings but are beings that are competent enough to make their own judgements. Although there is a widespread belief that adults in places of authority; such as parents and teachers, have complete power over a child, this is not wholly true. Children are not only able to exercise their agency through rebelling against authority but they also practice agency through listening to their parents and teacher’s requests. A child who complies when their parents ask them to go to bed or do chores is actually being a social actor. Rebelling, …show more content…

This concept permits us to examine the degree in which children’s lives are organized through their relationships with adults. According to McNamee (2016) there are four levels in which we can see the how childhood is constructed: “1) in transactions and interactions between children and adults; 2) in group transactions; 3) in individuals’ relations between people born at different points in history; and 4) in social policies.” (p. 36) These four levels allow us to visualize through different lenses as to how childhood is

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