
A Common Theory Of Criminology Essay

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A common theory in criminology and in sociology suggests that class and race are vital roles regional crime rates. Previous research indicates that the distribution of class and race within certain residential areas has a key role in the outcome of certain violent acts. In his study, Income Inequality, Race, and Place: Does the Distribution of Race and Class within Neighborhoods Affect Crime Rates, John R. Hipp states “Specifically, studies have tested how the distribution of economic resources across neighbor-hoods, as measured by income or poverty, affects neighborhood crime rates or the how the distribution of racial/ethnic minority members across neighborhoods, as measured by the percent nonwhite, and so on, affects neighborhood crime rates (Hipp 2007). While one may traditionally assume that minorities neighborhoods yield a more intensive crime rate, this is not necessarily true.
According to a New York Amsterdam News article, Poverty, not race, tied to high crime in urban communities, “The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities” (Unknown 1997). While there is a slight influx of criminal activity form American majorities to American minorities, the question of why this is so must be asked. The New York Amsterdam News article helps to provide an explanation for the fluctuation. As far back as the 1980’s, researchers have repetitively return to idea and

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