
A Comparison of the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the Terroist Attacks of September 11th, 2001

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The events of December 7th1941 on Pearl Harbor are ones that along with many others will forever remain written down as a historic day in not just in history but in naval and military history as well. In this essay I will first explain and describe the Pearl Harbor attack. I will do that in the perspective of a male veteran who at the time was stationed at Pearl Harbor as a U.S. Navy cadet describing the events of that topic to a news anchor for a local newspaper. I also explain what happened after the attack and explain if there was any possible way to prevent it. Next, I will transition to playing the role of the news anchor and describe the events of September 11th 2001. I will interview a person who survived that terrorist attack and …show more content…

Within Five minutes of the attack U.S. military officials had started attacking back at the Japanese. (Pearl Harbor Film) We were at a disadvantage because the Japanese had destroyed many of many of our battle ships. But we were not going to let that stop us. We were not going to give up, just fight until the end. After two hours of fighting long and hard the damaged was done and the Japanese retreated. In the end we were left with 2,042 casualties and 1,247 wounded (Wikipedia) and defeated. NEWS ANCHOR: Mr. Hankins can you please describe what happened after the attack was over? NAVY VETERAN: Exactly one day after the attack the military had regained somewhat of a control over Pearl Harbor. We were already close to freeing soldiers stuck in turned over ships and wrecked vessels and had the island surrounded by barbed wire. After a couple of days the a sense of normalcy returned to Pearl Harbor but mainly everyone was a little paranoid about the unexpected and what could happen at any moment. The U.S. was also very angry that they had been defeated and wanted revenge. In no time congress formally declared War on Japan. This war was known as World War Two. It is writing down in history as one of the most deadly wars of all times. This time the U.S. proved there would be no chance in hell they would be defeated again. The U.S. invaded Japan and showed no mercy, attacking them with all their might. The Japanese were

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