
A Description Of The Entities Showing And Their Attributes

Decent Essays

Here is a brief description of the entities showing and their attributes.
1) Vendors
It belongs to the Merchandise domain (Sourcing in particular) and is related to the products by a one-to-many relationship. One product can have only one vendor, while a vendor can have multiple products.
2) Product
At the core of the merchandise domain, Product is related to Orders via a many-to-one relationship. One order can contain multiple products but one product can one be sold through an individual order. Product is also related to Vendors via a one-to-many relationship: one vendor can supply many products (brands). Among the attributes of product we should find product details, inventory, etc.
3) Orders
The entity is related to Product by a …show more content…

7) Locations
This entity relates to the Store Management capability and has a one-to-one relationship with Departments.
Business capability map Product Departments Orders Vendors Employees Members
Sales And Services Retail Sales X X X X eComm Sales X X X Membership sales X X Business Area X X Member services X X Customer Marketing X X
Product Marketing X X Pricing X X Sourcing X Merchandise Logistics X Global X Corporate Brands X X
Store Management Loss Prevention X X Site Management X X Club Operations X X Club Development X X
Business And Corporate Management Corporate Services X Human Resources X X Financial Management X X Corporate X

Sales and Services: This domain is covered by Members and sales-related entities, as it is used by all sales and service capabilities. The store sells products. Those are part of a transaction that involves product details, order, members, and employees, but retail sales essentially involve products.
Merchandise: Product and Vendors are the main players here.
Store Management: this builds on the department and employees entities.
Business and Corporate Management: the key element is here is the Employee entity, which provides the

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