
A Discussion Of Archetypes In The Lamb And The Tyger

Decent Essays

Innocents over Experience
A discussion of the archetypes in The Lamb/ the Tyger A questioned asked by all of us is used in both poems, “Doust thou know who made thy?”(Lamb L2)We all wonder who made us and are some of us made with innocents like a lamb, or made like a Tyger experienced. Can a Lamb and Tyger be similar or are they completely different? “The Lamb” by William Blake represents the animal as godly and innocents. While “The Tyger” William wonders who or what could make something so evil or so cruel. William Blake the author of both “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” have greater meanings behind these poems then the innocents of the Lamb and the evil characteristics of the Tyger by using archetypes. The animal in “The Lamb” by William Blake …show more content…

Unlike “The Lamb” the author only questions who made thy tiger. “Did he who made the lamb make thee?” (Line 20) asks Blake seeming almost dumbfounded that someone who made such an innocent lamb could make and animal as fearful as the tiger. The tigers portrayed as an evil creature and that it was made completely different then the lamb, the tiger is seen as experienced and sinful unlike the innocents of the lamb. The question in “The Tyger” is never answered, Blake only questions did god make you like the lamb or where you created by someone else? Are humans like a lamb or a tiger, can we be categorized in the two or can we be both? People are born a lamb and can be a lamb their whole life or become a tiger. People who are lambs seem to be soft spoken, or “Gave thee such a tender voice.” (Line 7) A lamb is seen as someone innocent that can be trusted; while someone who’s a tiger many won’t trust because they don’t dare to compete. “What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?” (Lines 23-24) asks Blake. We are all born innocent but what we do after is our own chose, we can chose to live innocent or we can be outspoken like a

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