
A Documentary By Admiral Vern Essay

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In a documentary by Admiral Vern (2002), “the events of September 11, 2001 tragically illustrated that the promise of peace and security in the 21st Century is fraught with profound dangers”. The US foreign policies and interest in key geographic regions of the world sparks controversies resulting in state funded cyber attacks, cyber espionage and terrorism against the United States and its allied nations. When several attempts to cripple the United States and its allied nations through negotiations failed, enemy states and nefarious groups have shifted their focus to cyber attacks and cyber espionage. According to Gady (2016), “China continues cyber espionage against the United States”. Drezner (2014), “Washington and Beijing hardly agree on everything, but they agree on the big things, like maintaining an open global economy, reducing the likelihood of a military confrontation, and tackling climate change”.
Following the US and Israeli Stuxnet attack on Iran’s Nuclear program in 2010, enemy states have been targeting some critical infrastructures and federal government agencies. As the US interest in securing its borders against all threats both domestic and abroad continue to grow, several new threats and vulnerabilities colossus in its cyberspace. In a recent report by Bhattacharyya (2016), “Russian hackers attacked the State Department email system and the Office of Personnel Management reported that 5.6 million Americans’ fingerprints were stolen as

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