
A Formal Change Management Process

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Based on the research and analysis conducted, four key recommendations are offered.
Formal change management processes
A formal change management process should be developed and implemented in order to allow a consistent methodology, tools and language to be applied to relevant initiatives. Although effective change management also requires the development and application of a unique set of soft skills such as conflict management and negotiation, a formal process would provide the first step in helping employees become familiar with how change should be planned and introduced in an organisation. It is also important that change management processes are supported, utilised, and promoted throughout all levels of the organisation.
Encouraging deeper engagement with change efforts
Procedures and processes don’t always guarantee success; employees can comply with procedures and processes in different ways. Superficial compliance with a process to ‘tick the boxes’ is not the same as actively engaging in a process to ensure a task is carried out in the most effective way possible. For example, one of the most prominent issues identified in this case study was that of perceived inauthentic stakeholder consultation. While there were pockets of genuine efforts to engage with stakeholders, a unified and consistent effort was lacking. Readiness for change is created on a sound foundation of mutual trust and respect. Authentic and frequent communication around proposed

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