
A Genetic Review Of Schizophreni Research Progress Of Chromosomes 22 And 8

Better Essays

December 1, 2014

A Genetic Review of Schizophrenia: Research progress of chromosomes 22 and 8

Present to: Geraldine Boyden
By: Quiana Jones

Core Articles:

Gill M, Vallada H, Collier D et al: A combined analysis of D22S278 marker alleles in affected sib-pairs: support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia at chromosome 22q12. Am J Med Genet Neuropsychiatr Genet 1996; 67: 40–45.

Polymeropoulos MH, Coon H, Byerley W, et al: Search for schizophrenia susceptibility locus on human chromosome 22. Am J Med Genet 54:93-99, 1994

Pulver AE, Karayiorgou M, Wolyniec PS et al: Sequential strategy to identify a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia: Report of potential linkage on chromosome 22q12–q13.1: Part 1. Am J Med Genet …show more content…

The risk of being affected by schizophrenia is increased by a factor of 10 for siblings or offspring of a patient (Schizophrenia). The risk for second and third degree relatives is increased by less than siblings and offspring (Gottesman et. al.). Figure 1 shows a relative break down of lifetime morbid risks for different family relations from studies conducted between 1921 and 1987 (Gottesman et. al.).

Common symptoms include hallucinations, reduction of social interactions, and a decrease amount of emotional expression; hearing voices that others do not and believing that others are able to read and control ones thoughts have also be observed in schizophrenic patients (Mayo Clinic Staff). Early symptoms of schizophrenia may be hard to recognize because they are often similar to those of teenagers and young adults; these symptoms include withdrawing from friends and family, preforming poorly in school, trouble sleeping, irritability or depression, and lack of motivation (Schizophrenia).
Treatment for schizophrenia usually includes a combination of medication and therapy. Medications are most commonly prescribed are antipsychotics. These affect the release of neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin, which are thought to control symptoms of schizophrenia (Mayo Clinic Staff). Medications can often cause side effects that render patients unwilling to continue taking them. In these cases, treatment has

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