
A Good Man Is Hard And Find By Flannery O ' Connor

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In Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, O’Connor tells the story mainly on the emphasis of the grandmothers prospective. The grandmother was never named in the short story, only leaving the reader to guess if this story was how O’Connor portrayed a feeling toward society and religion. In order for the reader to understand the point of view of the story, the reader must look at the back ground of the author. Born in Georgia, where the story takes place, O’Connor was raised a devout Roman Catholic in the largely Protestant South. Due to O’Connor’s Catholic religion and conservative upbringing in the protestant south it is easy to see her obvious disapproval with society and others religious values. O’Conner died at a young age from an illness, an illness that had taken her father’s life when she was just a teenager. During her short time of writing she only published two novels and a collection of stories. The title story of the collection, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” is O’Connor’s most famous. (Larson) O’Connor’s uncanny blend of wicked humor, brutal violence, and religious concepts produced the unmistakable literary voice of one of the most important short story writers of the 20th century. (183) Throughout the story we can see O’Connor’s wicked humor she portrays through the character grandma, grandma is very judgmental and manipulative of others. She lives in Georgia with her only son Bailey, his wife and their three children John

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